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Master Your Golf Brain


End the frustration of not taking

your best game to the course.


4 Part Workshop Series

Day 1 begins the minute you sign up

Live Calls begin August 31st, 2021

Here is the basic problem...

you're frustrated because you can't take

all of your skill to the course when you need to.

Is this you?

Do you hit better shots on the range than on the course?

Does your confidence change based on how you are hitting it?

Do you sometimes feel out of control?

Does that crappy feeling after a bad round last for awhile?

Do your emotions, (anger, nerves, pressure, doubt, fear), affect your swing?

Do you feel pressure to produce a score (aka results based)?

Do you say "I suck" alot?

Do you struggle to quiet the thoughts in your head before or during a round?

Do you mostly think the solution is to practice more, take more lessons or change your swing?

This workshop is for you!

Any Level

All Golfers Benefit

Day 1

Self-paced prep for calls

3 live

Take-Action Calls

Golf is 90% Mental

...and the other 10% is physical.

Yet you spend 100% of your time on the 10%.

I want to help you change that.

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It's Not Your Swing

Most golfers blame their performance on their swing. They go and practice more or take more lessons. The answer is not at the bottom of a basket of range balls...I have looked many times. If you can hit the shots on the range but struggle on the course, you are mentally getting in the way of your own talent.

This is not a swing issue.

This is the "mental game" and

the solution is simple.

The solution is learning how to control your brain on the course,

to stand over the ball with confidence and calm,

so that you can perform the way you know you can.

You just need a process.

By the end of the workshop you'll have:

TOOLS to help you focus and quiet your thoughts on the course.

The FORMULA for managing your emotions on the course so you make your best swings.

A personalized BLUEPRINT to mentally prepare for every round.

A PROCESS for creating the results you want in golf without the pressure.

A post-round STRATEGY to pinpoint and clean up any mental "mess".

A clear UNDERSTANDING of how to overcome your mental hurdles.

A new sense of calm and CONFIDENCE about your game.

Workshop Breakdown

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The moment you enroll you get right to work identifying your biggest mental hurdle, where it shows up in your game and how exactly it affects your score. You'll take this work with you to Day 2.

LENGTH: 30 minutes...on your schedule. To be completed before 1st LIVE call on August 30th

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The Formula

You'll learn my formula for solving any problem. You use what you discovered in DAY 1 and plug it into the formula. You'll leave feeling empowered about what is possible on the path to mastering your golf brain. The more you practice the formula the stronger your mind on the you'll have a little homework.


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This is about pivoting mentally. You'll take what you rehearsed in DAY 2 and shift into a more empowered mindest that produces a sense of calm, certainty and confidence during the round and over the ball.


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Using what you learned in Days 1-3, you'll create a personlized mental BLUEPRINT for every round you play. You'll discover my "junk drawer" technique for going into each round mentally prepared. This simple process alone boosts your confidence headed to the first tee and throughout the round.


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You'll have questions and I'll have answers. I will stay on each call until the last question is answered. You can remain totally anonymous during LIVE calls or submit your questions ahead of time.

What clients have to say...

My son and I just finished your Masterclass for juniors and I thought it was awesome content. He was a "I Suck" kid...Now treating himself much nicer thanks to your program and his scores reflect it, thank you!

Dad of a Junior Golfer

You've ALREADY helped! Played with Ava two days ago and on the drive home, she told me she could have blown up 10X on the course but she remembered what you said in the videos.Thank you!

Gloria and Ava
Mom of a Junior Golfer

I feel SO much more confident and powerful! I've been experimenting with "go to" thoughts for the golf course. Also your pre-round preparation and the post-round evaluation has improved my awareness and I have learned a lot about my golf game that way.

College Golfer

[This] made a difference in my general life and today in my golf game. I got up this morning and was looking forward to playing—for the first time in a long time. This was such a fun round. I missed some shots/putts but I stayed focused and did not get in that bad dark mental space. My drives were the best they have been all season.
So, I am grateful that you are doing this work and that I found you! More good things to come I am sure!!
Best (and a big ol’ virtual hug!!),

Competitive Golfer

I got to experience a round in physical and emotional balance.  I can do this.  I can play better when my brain is managed better.  I know what this feels like now.  I think this is going to stick with me.

Competitive Amateur

I was horrible off the tee, but it was by far the most fun I’ve had playing in a long time. I knew I was going to putt better, just didn’t realize it would be that good and that quick! 

Competitive Mid-Amateur

I can't tell you how many times I have shared your [process] with friends, and usually there is a gleam of understanding, kind of an "ah ha!" that follows. It is so powerful, I use it a lot off the golf course, and of course, on it!!

Country Club Golfer
Your Image

Are You Ready ?

This is not a "sit, watch and listen" workshop.

Each call you're going to take action that will move you toward mastering your golf brain so you can play your best golf.

Attending LIVE is so powerful but if the times aren't ideal, do not worry. The REPLAY is available right after the call.

Day 1 is self-paced and

available upon enrollment

Day 2, 3, and 4 are LIVE Calls:

August 31st, 7:00 p.m.

September 2, 7:00 p.m.

September 7, 7:00 p.m.

all times EST



I’m so confident that this course will help your golf and your life in a positive way that I am giving you a no-risk guarantee just for attending. If you participate, do the work and don’t feel like you received any value, I'll give you a full refund.

Kathy Hart Wood

Hi, I'm

Kathy Hart Wood

I fix mental games. I am a former Tour Player, a Certified Life Coach, a Top 50 Teacher and a podcaster.

I spent most of my competitive years knowing I had more talent than my scores reflected. It was very frustrating and disappointing. Even with the help of some of the top sports psychologists and professionals in the golf industry, I still underperformed. I thought I was just a lost cause. And eventually, I quit the game for 10 years.

Though, I never stopped learning. My relentless pursuit of information and insight led me to find the solution to my poor performance and all the negative emotions that came along. Besides my golf game, It is a process that has literally shifted every area of my life.

What I offer is different, simple and extremely powerful.

I love sharing this process with serious golfers. I love helping them take control of their brains and as a result watching them excel while finding confidence and peace on the course.



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